We are staying in Bethesda, Maryland and must take the Metro into DC, as all of the bridges are closed. The city has added extra Metro trains and opened the system at 4 am.
We will head to the Union Station stop and then walk for a while to get to our designated security entry point. We are honored to have VIP tickets that give us a standing space right at steps of the Capital. We would like to get as close to the start of that section - so we are leaving now.
The Secret Service screening point means that we cannot bring any bags, chairs and a large list of excluded items. So, Cathy and Elliott are putting on multiple layers of clothing, bringing hand warmers and stuffing our pockets with food and water supplies. We will be standing outside from now until about 12:30 pm.
There are millions of people heading to the Mall. Every square inch will be occupied, with some folks over a mile from the stage --- viewing on these huge Jumobtrons and listening from a great stage.
Though we have access to the Parade, we can't acutally get to both the Swearing In and the Parade route. As soon as the new President is sworn in, there is a massive exit process from the mall.
We will head over to our friend's house for lunch - right near the Capital and watch the Parade on this television.
Then, back to our hotel - rest a bit - and head to the Mid Atlantic Ball. More about that later! (The Grateful Dead are the lead group at our Ball - and it will be fun to watch President and Mrs. Obama dance to their music.
I will be "broadcasting" live from the Mall via cellphone to a Saratoga Watch Party.